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Who Are We

Naya Shristi means New Creation in Nepali language. The name of the organization came out of a desire to help make things new in terms of systems, opportunities, and futures. Naya Shristi Inc. is about empowering Nepali people to build the lives for themselves that they want. We provide the education, training, guidance and support all along in consultation with each individual. It's not about the work we do. It's about the work we open doors for others to do. It's about the lives people are able to build. 

We long to create a more equitable society by providing education and tools needed. 

Our Mission

Our Mission

To create opportunities for vulnerable populations by supporting basic and higher education as well as job training skills. 


Our Vision

To see Nepal be a more equitable place for Nepali people to live and thrive. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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